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God So Loved
by Mary Marjorie Bethea (Click here to read author's testimony)



Part One: "For God so loved..."
Part Two: "That He gave His only Begotton Son..."
Part Three: "That Whoever believes in Him..."
Part Four: "Should not perish but have eternal life"
Part Five: "Personal Testimony"
Epilogue:   Stained Roses (Poem)



Have you ever felt alone? Do you feel so awfully alone that your heart aches with an endurable pain? Do you feel so awfully alone that your heart aches with an endurable pain? Have you ever looked in the mirror only to find a face and a figure that are unlike the ones in the magazines? You see eyes that are weary and a back that is burdened.

Have you ever fell to your knees with tearful eyes because you have no hope? No hope to go on and to stumble another step. No hope to see another day. Have you ever have given your whole heart to any female or male only to have it crushed under their feet?

All of these things hurt. All of these things cause you to desire not to see another morning. Your heart aches with pain. It hurts so much that grief is found in your eyes and in your step. Oh, it hurts so much. You can feel it deep within your heart, that piercing darkness. Soon the walk becomes a stumble, and the stumble a crawl, and the crawl a complete fall to your face. You taste the dirt. You cannot lift your eyes to the sky. You continue to crawl on your arms as you slowly and painfully ease your way through life.

Then comes the day. Your elbows are tired and bloody with massive burns from crawling on them. You collapse; not another millimeter. Your body is worn, torn and abused. This burden has almost killed you. It has already killed your peace, happiness, joy and compassion. You only look behind you, to the past. You notice you have climbed up a hill, the Hill of Calvary. It is the hill whose rugged and twisted path you eased yourself through. From above you feel a warm drop cleanse your face. What is this drop of love? You cannot look up. You feel so sinful.

You hear a voice beckon in your ear. A loving, tender voice, saying, "I love you, please lay your burdens upon me and receive my peace."

You feel a rush of wind brush affectionately against your tired and worn face. You slowly look up and see that you lay under the Cross. In your hands are the bloody nail and the hammer. You cannot hang on to them anymore. They have become such a burden. You sweaty palms slowly let go as drops of rain trickle down your face. Drops of water and salt. You raise your face to the Heavens in hope of getting rid of these dirty rags, but your weakness invades your soul. You wearily bow your face into the miry clay. You cannot take it anymore. Your wounded so much you feel as if you are being torn apart. You can only lie there waiting.

Then you feel as if you are defying gravity. A rush of wind moves through your body. What strong hands are taking away the nail and hammer? What burly arms are caressing you in a lovely embrace? What is this warmth, this peace? What are these cloths of gold? You are no longer tied to this world but are released to soar with wings like eagles. You fly above the sea until you plunge into its welcoming waters. You wallow in peace as you swim in His word. You drink from the saucer because your cup is overflowing. You fly high up above with Jesus Christ at your side. He loves you so much that He aches and trembles. He receives you in His gentle arms as you let the nail and hammer fall from your frail hands onto the ground. They are forgotten forever. You are ready to receive His undying forgiveness.

I welcome you to read these pages of love.



"For God so loved the world..."

Join Jesus and I as we look at the first part of this majestic verse. These delightful and savory words say, "For God so loved the world..."

Do you crave deep inside to be loved? Do you wander to and fro on this earth searching and looking for love? You look for love to find someone to replace the hurt and wounds within your heart. Do you wish for that perfect someone to adore your eyes, your hair, your figure and your whole being? There is someone that already does-- and has for quite some time. He wants to enlighten you. In fact, He is so in love with you that it drives Him mad. He thinks about you every millisecond of the day. He yearns to be near you. He wants to know your hurts and your experiences. He wants to take the pain away and give you His very best. He desires to talk to you and wants to be married to you forever.

You may be wondering, "What is His name? Who is this perfect gentleman?" His name is Jesus Christ. He Himself resembles love. This innocent and pure love was taken to the Cross-to be pierced with our hurts, anger, hatred, jealousy, strife and sin. Why did He do this? How could this happen?

He did this because He loves you so much that even words cannot not express how "wide, long, high and deep..."(Ephesians 3:18) His love is for you. He is the Lover of your Soul. He is in love with your eyes. He is in love with your appearance. He is in love with everything about you. He believes that you are a beautiful masterpiece that His Father created with His own Hands. Can you not see the fingerprints of God that lay upon you? God has gently and tenderly mended and knitted you together. He has crafted your earthly vessel to be what He desires you to be. He has planned your existence before the creation of time. You are beautiful and there is no one else that will be like you. Can you not see all the love that swells up in Jesus for you?  

Jesus yearns for you to accept His love. He is next to you right now as you read this weak attempt to describe His love. He desires to put His arms around you. Lean back against His warm arms and allow them to change you, to give you a love and peace that no other man or woman can give. All you do is accept and believe in Him. Believe that He can fill your heart and be there for you in your time of need. He can do so immeasurably more! He will fill that lonely void and erase the darkness and depression. No person, thing or any else in or outside of this world can separate you from this unwavering love, " For I am convinced that neither life nor death, neither angels or demons, nor the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything in else in all creation, will be able to set us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Romans 8:38-39).

PRAISE GOD! Let us give thanks to the Son who gave up His life that you may know this love. He is your true love and the first love of your life. His love never abandons, but only fills your groans with laughter. This leads us to the second part of the beautiful verse of John 3:16.

Let us continue with Jesus Christ at our side.



"...That He gave His Only Begotten Son..."

The yell of a pounding hammer is carried throughout the earth, heaven and hell. There is a shriek of pain. BANG! A moan. Who is this man who slaughtered upon a tree? Who is this man that is condemned and yet does not rebuke? Who is this pure and steadfast love that you nailed to present as a sweet and fragrant offering to God? BANG!  You hear the complete stillness as the Cross-rises up against the hot afternoon sun.

How striking is this Man of Sorrows! How beautiful is this love that is here before you on the Cross! This unconditional love! How beautiful are these wounds that are life. These are wounds that overflow upon your own broken body to mend a broken heart. It is before your eyes, yet you do not see. This glorious sacrifice blinds you with His light and truth. A complete darkness envelops the sky. As the earth quakes a soldier's fearful voice proclaims, "Surely this was a righteous man!" The darkness envelops the whole heavens until it reaches the deepest corners of your soul. There is another low moan.

"Please Father!"

The Father turns away from His cries. He trembles in pain as He turns His head. He must not look. He yearns to reach out and carry His Son's marred body in His warm arms to the Heavens. He yearns to comfort and heal Him with His Almighty love. He cannot. He has to turn away so that you may not be convicted guilty and that you may escape the penalty of death. You too turn your back. You head little by little down the Hill as you hear a whisper from the lips of love proclaiming, "Please Father, forgive them, they do not understand. Into your Mighty Hands I commit my spirit." Death finally dies. You continue to wander down the Hill with your back turned. You continue to amble through life, but the sweet sacrifice lingers in your mind. You hear a voice whisper tenderly in your ear, "I love you, please lay your burdens upon me and receive my peace." You see the picture of an unbroken Lamb, whose blood is without blemish. You pretend to not have seen anything that was above the supernatural. You cannot shove the glorious picture out of your mind, "...That He gave His only Begotten Son..."

Are your eyes blind that you cannot see of what a majestic gift you are given? Please kneel before the Cross and unwrap its beauty. How beautiful is His gift! Jesus is reaching out to you with beckoning and welcome arms. He wants to gather you in His arms and carry you close to His heart. Lean your head against His breast. Can you not hear His heart beating with love for you? Jesus' love is your shelter, your sweet peace. Unhook the binds on your heart that He may spread His wings and give you rest with their shadow. He stands right now on top of the world proclaiming your name, shouting on the top of His lungs, "I LOVE YOU!" Please accept this love that was crushed that we may know love and have complete freedom.

You must believe!



"...That whoever believes in Him..."

Today, the Jesus Cab Company is taking you on a trip that takes you out of these mortal walls into your Heavenly dwelling. You have been invited to a great feast, a wedding feast. You have received the beautiful invitation many, many years in advance. It asks you to bring only your heart to surrender, nothing else.

You are amazed how so much is promised. You need not pamper yourself. Ladies, you do not need to spend many hours in the powder room! Gents, you do not need to mousse up your hair and splash on cologne! This is because the Host of Hosts asks you to wear but one outfit--the blood of Jesus. You are to expect the unexpected. You are to receive what you do not deserve.

The Cab takes you back to the top of the Hill. How many times will you stray back down? You enter into His House at awe of the pearly gates. How beautiful! You enter into His majestic house to behold the beauty of His nature and grace. How majestic and powerful it is! He leads you to the dining room. What a feast He has prepared for you! His entire masterpiece is spread upon the stained wooden table. You drool as you stare at what He Alone has prepared for you. YUMMY, YUMMY! He has planned so well in advance!

He needs not expert chefs because he is the greatest chef! His own hands have beaten the dough and cracked the eggs. His own feet have squashed the wine grapes. What a beautiful sight it is! How superb! There is a sound of growling stomachs from among the others that are invited. Many mouths water, many knees go weak. The Host motions to gather around The Feast. He must serve the food to His guests.   You must begin to partake of the wine and bread! There is a slight hesitation. Some take a few steps to The Feast and draw back. Others gather around with mouths open only to be found speechless. You have been invited to this wonderful feast and what a privilege it is!!

Will you draw near in hunger and thirst? Or will you RSVP only to say you are not available?

The Host has called your name and has invited you to sit right next to Him at His table. He wants to get to know all about you. He wishes to know your joys; your troubles and your mind. Which choice will you make?   Are you fainting with thirst?

John 3:16 states, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only Begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him, should not perish but have eternal life." God loves you so much that words cannot even explain how wide, long, high and deep the love of God is for you! That is why He gave His Son on the Cross-for you. He wants you to spend eternity with Him in Heaven wallowing in His precious love.

God also tells us "All have sinned and have fallen short of the glory of the Lord" (Romans 3:23). We are sinners since the first day we were born! Can you not see it in the way our world works? We kill innocent people. We lie and hate our very own brothers and sisters! We are filthy sinners. I believe its safe to say that you have disrespected your parents, told a white lie and been jealous at least once before in your life. We must admit that we are sinners and only Christ can save us from this darkness. Without Christ we are sentenced to everlasting death. Also, 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 states, "Now I pass onto you of what I have received, of which is most important, that Christ died for our sins as the Scriptures say and He was buried and on the third day rose to life as the Scriptures say." We must believe this will all our hearts and not just say it with our tongues. You believe that President Abe existed but this is very different! You must believe in Jesus with all of your heart! You must believe that Christ died for you and rose to life on the third day! This alone shows that God has power over sin and death! Praise God!

God also tells us "Whoever accepts Him and believes in Him, they will be called children of God"(John 1:12). We are called children of God! He is our Father! He cares for us!

If you are thirsty and are ready to partake of the Feast, please pray this prayer:

Lord, I want Christ to come into my heart. I know I am a sinner and I want Christ to reveal Himself to me. Please forgive me of my sins. He is the reason I live and the reason why I can become free. I believe in His Name with all my heart, soul, mind and strength. Please come into my heart and fill me with His love. Please start your wonderful cleansing in my soul. In Christ's name, Amen.

If you have accepted this invitation, PRAISE GOD! You are now free from sin! Jesus promises freedom in the Truth "You shall know the Truth and the Truth will set you free. If the Son has therefore set you free then you are free indeed"(John 8:32,36).  You are going to experience the infinite mind of God as you grow. Below, there are six simple instructions to help you grow in Christ.

Secondly, your name is written in Heaven "...rejoice that your name is written in Heaven"(Luke 10:20). You are now a child of God and are a brother or sister to millions of believers around the world! Welcome to the family! Let's have a party right now! Put on your dancing shoes and get ready to move! Allowing Jesus to come into your heart is the best reason to jump up and down in celebration! Praise God!

Here are six things that will help you grow as a follower of Christ:

1. Pray

2. Go to church (find a church near by that truthfully preaches the Lord's Word, the Bible)

3. Read the Bible (I recommend starting at the Book of John)

4.  Get baptized in water

5. Tell about Christ to other people

6. Obey God



"...Should not perish, but have eternal life."

You lift up your useless hands with the energy that is left within you. You lift up your heart to the Cross--as a soothing gust moves through your body. You surrender, as love's own wounds over-pour with blood. Blood sprinkles from hands and feet as they slowly begin their operation. Blood overflows as they envelop your heart to begin the heart surgery. Jesus takes your heart and the scalpels. He is ready to cut away anything that hurts deeply within your heart. Is this loneliness? Is this depression? Is this despair? You have waited in the waiting room for so long. Your name has been called. Will you rise? Or will you stay asleep because you are bored for waiting so long?

He is ready to take the needle and thread. He is ready to mend your heart with His everlasting love. It is an everlasting love that will never let your heart break again. It is an everlasting love that aches when you ache. An everlasting love that draws you near as it yearns to be near you. Surrender to Him and allow Him to change you! He is the Great Physician and is ready to reveal His love to you. Surrender all. Surrender all to Him that He may award you with eternal life. Please receive His love named Jesus. With Him you will have eternal life. He will give you a life in which your sufferings will not destroy you.  With Him by your side, you can face anything in life and not be overcome with sorrow.

It is a life in which these fleshly walls will be destroyed and you will be taken to the Heavens. Receive the graciously given life in which you will cry no more over a broken heart. The pain will be taken away. The mortal life will end on the glorious day when you will be with God and worship Him before His glorious throne. Your eternal life starts immediately when you accept Jesus into your heart. You have a close, close friend that will be there for you.

Turn your eyes to the Heavens and see that the Creator is watching over you with attentive eyes. He is a friend that listens to you, who listens to your troubles! Please lean upon Him! Forget the past, as the Father changes you in the deepest parts of your soul. He will take you broken and wounded heart. It does not matter what condition it is in. It may be completely dead or it may be so heavily burdened that it is suffocating. He will take it and give you a complete new one. He will love you. You are wanted. He loves you. He has loved you.

You have gone astray on the rocky path and hurt yourself on deadly thorns. Jesus takes these thorns upon His Head. You no longer need to have them sting your heart. They no longer need to wind themselves around your heart and squeeze until you just cannot feel or even breathe. The Father will prune the thorns. He has thrown them upon His Son's head. You no longer need to suffer. Gently lean your head upon His chest. He will comfort you. He will stay constant. He will stay near to you so that you may swim in His peace. He is wise and holy. He is the only one that knows your very own hearts desires.

Are you drained and tattered? Let the Lord heed your sighs. He knows you better than anyone else ever could. Place your burden upon Jesus' back. His yoke is light. He suffered for you. He died for you. Allow His peace to shatter your fears as He mends your broken heart with His special Hand. An Almighty Hand that will transform you. He will transform not only your heart, but also your whole being. He will fill you with His hope as you wait the day in which you will be with Jesus in His Heavenly Kingdom. Jesus will lead you to springs of Living Water. If you believe in Him you will never thirst. If you come to Him you will never hunger. The Feast will provide. You will go through life with a new joy. He will bestow upon you His love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23). You will become more like your ultimate destiny, Jesus, as you enjoy eternal life.



Personal Testimony

I walk through school hallways in which Jesus is rebuked everyday. He is rebuked through curses, crude jokes, lies, perversion, lust and pride. I walk through school hallways as a student with the Word of Life written on my heart. It is written on my tongue. I must proclaim His wonder! I stand for what is right and true. I must tell others of God's goodness and grace.  How I love the Lord and savor His Word!

Throughout my entire life, no male has ever been interested in me. No male has looked upon me with attraction and a gentle love. I have never experienced an equal love with another male on this earth. I have never been kissed. I have never felt the warmth of someone's arms. I have never been on a romantic date. I have never heard the sweet words whisperd in my ear, "I love you." I have never had a male wonder what I was doing at a certain time. I have never had any male think I am the most beautiful creature on this earth. I have never had a male who wants to know everything about me.

With Jesus I have overcome loneliness. It is still hard to see other lovers flirt with one another! How hard is it to listen to romantic love songs only to know I do not have anyone to share them with.

If you have felt that way too, remember that you are not alone. I fell over a maturing boy only to have my heart crushed with reality. How hard I fell. How hard my heart was crushed. You are not alone. I have prayed over and over again for God to fill this lonely void within my heart. He told me that I must seek Him alone and see Him as the first love of my life. Everyday, this leaky heart is being repaired. I am in the operating room right now as He takes His needle and thread and operates. Everyday I feel more whole and more connected to Him as my first love. He is interested in me. He looks upon me with attraction and a gentle love. I experience His love everyday. His tender Spirit kisses me. I feel the warmth of His arms every second of the day. I go on a romantic date whenever I open His Word. I hear the sweet words whispered in my ear, "I love you." Jesus thinks about me all day. He thinks I am most beautiful creature on this earth. He wants to know everything about me. Each morning He continually fills this lonely void in my heart with His presence. This heart of mine overflows.

He is the answer. He is love. He will remove your loneliness, grief, despair, sadness and darkness within you.

Let Him.



The following is a poem that God Most High graciously gave me through a time of renewal and seeking Him alone. A time of surrender, a time of giving up.

Stained Roses

These many sweet morsels I gladly savor as they slowly dissolve
To overflow a dry cup with over-pouring milk
My own dry mouth faints deeply within a cement soul
Crying in a dead thirst to be mended by tender hands
A soul leaps as a rush of peace yearns to be closer
To your pounding breast madly in love with my ugly rags
Beating louder to intrude into a closed door that will not surrender
The rusty key closed in these sweaty palms
Cling tightly to nothing
As I wander to and fro behind the door
Your Feather protects this hurt and broken vessel
The shadow of this tree covers my clay with the finest gold
A yearning desire to an eternal hurt soul stumbling
Caught, I feel You gather my hurt body in your warm arms
A bloody tear trickles down my cheek as it covers and operates
As I slowly unlock the door that screams loudly in its hinges
To free these raw and red fingers that grasp the bloody nail and hammer
Only to crush with the eyes that blankly stares at the blameless death
I am before You on that hill, that moon-less night
Ready to feel the Son pierce these lonely, cold walls
Ready to receive forgiveness

"Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, to God our Savior, who alone is wise, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and forevermore" (Jude 24-25)

Mary Marjorie welcomes your comments and correspondance.  Please contact her at

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