Proclaiming God's Word To The Nations
For Your Information



"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." (Matthew 6:33) IS OUR FULL TIME MINISTRY

We want to share with readers the instructions the Lord gave us in regard to financing this ministry. As this is the Holy Spirit's work, we are to let Him speak to the hearts of people as to what and how much He wants them to give. Quite simply, we are to share the vision He has given us and trust Him to provide for all that we need. We believe the Lord pays for the things He orders, and if He does not order something, we do not want to engage in it. Pray with us that we will stay close to the Lord, and that, in seeking His righteousness, we will be able to hear His instructions clearly as to what He desires us to do. If we do that, we know we shall never lack of the things needed to do His work.


We are grateful for all those that also hear His voice and help us monetarily so that we can bless others all over the world. We do not have any denominational backing as our financial help comes from those faithful and sensitive people in the family of God whom the Lord speaks to help us. Would you pray about helping us? Some people do not realize the mission field that is here on the Internet. We would like to be your cyberspace missionaries. We do thank you for your support and your prayers.

Your donations are tax deductible as CHRIST UNLIMITED MINISTRIES is a non profit, tax exempt church, under section 501(c)(3) of the tax code. CHRIST UNLIMITED MINISTRIES is established locally in the Prescott Valley, Arizona area, U.S.A.

We appreciate your prayers, encouragement and support. Your donations and purchase of our materials make it possible for us to improve this site and share free copies of Bibles, teaching literature, tracts and tapes with ministers and Christian workers who would otherwise not be able to purchase them. (Check our PARTNER PAGE for more details about how you can help in this ministry).

May God bless you back in the form of your need!

His Grateful Servants,
Bud and Betty Miller


We are pleased to offer the Home Bible Study Library CD-ROM to all who donate $20.00 or more to the ministry.

Home Bible Study Library CD-ROM
Click here for a description of this Gift CD

3 Ways to Donate:

(1.) MAIL: If you would like to request your gift by mail click here for the printable request and donation form.  It will be shipped to you immediately.

(2.) PHONE WITH CREDIT CARD: If you prefer to donate through your Master Card, Visa or American Express, you may call our toll free number 1-888-29-BIBLE (1-888-292-4253). State your request and  give us your credit card information.

To Donate Online By Master Card, VISA, or American Express Through Our Secure Site Click Here. (Please know that all information given to us is kept confidential and is only for ministry use.  We do not sell nor share any information from our mailing list.)

Monthly Giving:  We also provide a place for those who would like to give on a monthly basis via their credit cards.  When you check the appropriate box we will automatically take out your monthly offering in the designated amount on the first of each month.

Thank you. 
We invite you to read the following message for information as to how your offering will be used.

Important Personal Message From Bud and Betty Miller....

First of all we want to thank you for taking the time to read this message.  We are most appreciative for your response and prayers for the Christ Unlimited website. We have been overwhelmed by the number of encouraging letters we have received from so many people all over the world.  God's people truly are wonderful people!   We are blessed to be a part of His great big family. 

When the Lord gave us this site back in 1995, we never dreamed it would grow so rapidly. As of November, 2005 we are now receiving over 60 million hits a month with a multitude of e-mail requests daily.  Previous to this online ministry, we pastored a local church in the Prescott, Arizona area for over 13 years.  During this time we developed a curriculum for a Bible School.  Much of this material is what we are now putting up on the site. Our church was also highly involved in the support of missionaries and the sending out of free Bibles to those in need all over the world.  We also had weekly prayer meetings, interceding for the needs of all who requested prayer. The Lord used the free will tithes and offerings of the people in our church to support us and the work we were doing. Recently our state newspaper, The Arizona Republic, did an article about us.  We just thought we would share it with our friends. If you would like to read it click here.

In 1994 the Lord spoke to us to give up the pastorate and pursue this new ministry on the Internet.  He spoke to us that our ministry would continue -- however, this time with a different pulpit -- it would now be the sending out of our teachings and sermons through this new media. We were to help those who needed Bibles, and to pray for those who needed prayer. Instead of a local ministry however, our outreach would be to the whole world.  We are amazed at how the Lord is using Christ Unlimited to minister to so many people.   We are receiving testimonies daily of those who are being saved, healed and touched by a word they find on the site. People are also being blessed, encouraged and are finding answers to their questions through the Bible Answers section.

Even with so many people being helped, there are still many more who need help with their questions  and we simply do not have the time nor the staff to answer them. It really disturbs us when we are unable to reach out to them, as we don't want to see anyone fall through the cracks. Many needy people are requesting Bibles and we have not had the finances to purchase and mail them to everyone at the time of their request. We simply hold their letters until God makes provision for us to have the money to purchase and mail them. At the present there are only six of us on staff, plus those who volunteer their help to keep this site going.  It truly has been the Lord that has accomplished what has been done so far.  However, we need to hire more people who are skilled in the areas of computer knowledge.  At the present, we do not have the funds to do this.  This is why we are appealing to those of you who have been blessed by this ministry.  We realize many of you are struggling with your own finances. However, we know as we all give what the Lord tells us to give when we put it all together it will accomplish a lot for the glory of the Kingdom of God. 

We all need to think about storing up our eternal rewards. Giving is a way in which we can do this.  It is not the only way, as each time we pray or do good deeds in the name of the Lord, we are also storing up rewards in heaven.  This is a full time ministry for us and we are pouring our lives in the task at hand. However, we cannot do it alone.

Most of our support comes via donations given to the ministry by people such as yourself who see what the Lord is doing through this new media and want to be a part of this outreach. It is God's grace and your gifts that make this possible. This is a "public" website supported by its users.  We live utterly by faith, as we are not backed by any denomination or organization. Therefore, Christ Unlimited is free to minister to all true believers regardless of their denomination, as well as non-believers.  We daily look to God to meet our needs to fulfill the vision He has given us. The Lord has people like you and a few churches that are currently supporting this work. We are believing for an increase in steady monthly supporters so we can do even more for the Lord this year.  We see a great harvest before us and we need your help and your prayers. Will you ask the Lord what He would have you to give?  We would now like to "pass the offering plate" so to speak.  Our prayer is that the Lord will bless you back in the form of your need, whatever that might be. 

If this ministry is blessing you in any way, now is your opportunity to help others that come to this site. The Internet is one of the most cost-effective means of getting out the gospel in the shortest period of time. However, it takes hours of work to make this possible. Hiring trained personnel would expedite the work on the site. If the Lord leads you to give, remember no offering is too small. (We are grateful for large or small offerings.) Even $5.00 or $10.00 will help, as it costs us about $2.50 to purchase and mail a New Testament Bible overseas.

You can give through your Master Card, Visa or American Express. Your donations are tax deductible as CHRIST UNLIMITED MINISTRIES is a non-profit, tax-exempt church, under section 501(c)(3) of the tax code. Click Here To Donate Online By Master Card, VISA, or American Express Through Our Secure Site (Please know that all information given to us is kept confidential and is only for ministry use.  We do not sell nor share any information from our mailing list.) THIS IS A SECURE SITE as it is encoded so that no one can copy your credit card number.   If you prefer you can also mail an offering to:  click here for the printable request and donation form.

P.O. Box 850
Dewey, AZ 86327

You may think of other ways to help. Let us hear about your ideas. As we labor together we can change the INTERNET to be a better place that shares Jesus, instead of the wickedness that now exists on it. Will you help us? Let us assure you that we will use your offerings and help to see that every dollar is spent in a cost-effective way to reach as many people as possible in the shortest period of time. Please click on the TESTIMONIES link to see what the Lord is doing through this website. Don't miss this page if you desire to partner with us. It speaks louder and clearer than anything else we could say about Christ Unlimited. Thanking you in advance, knowing that the Lord will bless you with His eternal rewards!

His grateful servants,
Bud and Betty Miller

Go Here to Donate Online to Christ Unlimited Ministries


Home Bible Study Library CD-ROM CD

This CD ROM contains:
  • 3 Bible Translations
  • 3 Bible Dictionaries
  • 2 Bible Commentaries
  • 5 General Reference Tools
  • 6 Color Maps
  • 66 Bible Book Outlines
  • 30 Bible Indexes
  • 1 Set Christ Unlimited Study Books
  • Question and Answer session at the end
***ATTENTION*** This CD-ROM may now be made compatible to operate using Windows XP (Instructions For Free Upgrade Included)!

Request the Home Bible Study Library CD-ROM CD ($20.00 offering or more).

Go Here to Donate Online to Christ Unlimited Ministries


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Christ Unlimited Ministries
Ministry Directors: R. S. "Bud" & Betty Miller
P.O. Box 850
Dewey, AZ 86327, USA
(928) 632-8005

Contact Us